To John and all of Judy's family. My deepest condolences. My heart is crushed and cries out in pain for your loss. Judy was such a warm, loving beautiful person inside and out. Even though we graduated so many years ago, I still rember she sat next to me in Geometry in high school!! If I recall, there was also time spent in Athens, Ohio together at Ohio University. Guess that she left a lasting positive impression on me. There was just something about her that I cannot put into words. Maybe it was her spirit and her love for life, nature, family and friends. I always looked forward to seeing her smile and talking with her at reunions and occasional emails. She had so much energy and really never aged! The photos thart she posted online showing her adventures in life were always so beautiful as she lived life to the fullest. Even though I have said a lot here, truly I am at a loss for words. I will always remeber Judy as she will always have a piece of my heart.
Lee Kravitz
To John and all of Judy's family. My deepest condolences. My heart is crushed and cries out in pain for your loss. Judy was such a warm, loving beautiful person inside and out. Even though we graduated so many years ago, I still rember she sat next to me in Geometry in high school!! If I recall, there was also time spent in Athens, Ohio together at Ohio University. Guess that she left a lasting positive impression on me. There was just something about her that I cannot put into words. Maybe it was her spirit and her love for life, nature, family and friends. I always looked forward to seeing her smile and talking with her at reunions and occasional emails. She had so much energy and really never aged! The photos thart she posted online showing her adventures in life were always so beautiful as she lived life to the fullest. Even though I have said a lot here, truly I am at a loss for words. I will always remeber Judy as she will always have a piece of my heart.