Carl Schlemmer

Profile Updated: September 4, 2023
Carl Schlemmer


Carl Schlemmer


Yes! Attending Reunion
Spouse/Partner: Spouse:Cristita
Occupation: Retired
Children: 4 grown children/8 grand kids
Military Service: Navy  

Married in 1976 in the Philippines, had 4 kids, three sons and one daughter. spent 21 years in the Navy. Was on many ships. Went to numerous countries. lived in Japan for 10 years, the Philippines for 4 years and Guam for 2 years. Left the service in 1995, Worked in a hospital as a Medical assistant, than on to building ocean going tugboats, than on to working at the Naval Shipyard here in Washington state. All the kids but one is married, I have 8 grandkids.

School Story:

I was a Jock in high school, had lots of friends, that's a long time ago. wishing everyone a Great Hello.

Carl's Latest Interactions

Carl Schlemmer updated his profile. View.
Sep 04, 2023 at 1:55 PM
Carl Schlemmer changed his "Now" picture.
Sep 04, 2023 at 1:50 PM
Carl Schlemmer changed his "Then" picture.
Sep 04, 2023 at 1:50 PM
Carl Schlemmer posted a message. New comment added.
Jul 24, 2023 at 10:08 PM

Posted on: Jul 23, 2023 at 8:48 PM

The first picture below is me when I just got in the Navy, I was in Japan. The next picture is the wife and I been married 48 years now. Than my daughter joined the Navy and did it the right way becoming a Officer. Than my Son is Capt. in the Army, and two other sons live and work in Washington state. Wishing everyone a Grand 50th reunion.